Hello everyone, welcome to the first official week of the new year! For Sunday Funnies we'll be following the tradition of Sunday morning comics. There was a slight issue with the scanner because we're trying out different formats and mediums for the comic strips. This week is done with post-its and hopefully you can read it. Next week we are going to start scanning the comic strips in so if all goes well, they'll be a bit clearer. Anyhow, enjoy this topical post-2009 comic strip and have a great week!
Daily TurnON Blog is a blog site dedicated to low budget creative projects ranging from comic strips to videos to short prose. Here is the current schedule:
Monday- Movie Mondays
Tuesday- Terribly Told Tuesdays
Wednesday- What Lead2That?!
Thursday- Three P's Thursdays
Friday- (V)Top Five Fridays
Saturday- Saturday Sound
Sunday- Sunday Funnies
Feel free to comment or even send in your own stuff to Omar at Omar.Najam@gmail.com
And if you find yourself with ample time, feel free to check out the earlier posts that had to do with 13 Days, 13 Shorts, our annual horror prose festival!
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